Thursday, April 7, 2011

blocking the flow

so, a couple weeks ago i posted some blah blah blah about creating your reality. i was motivated to get done what needed to be done so i could have the life i wanted. but we all know how things go. i've had to wait on one thing after another to try to get my financial aid for school finished (still waiting on things, btw). and buy one thing after another (from car tags to contacts to speeding tickets) in the meantime. urghh!!! i've been delving into a crazed frustration day after jobless day while slowly watching my money fade into oblivion. i feel like the flow i had has been blocked.
but i keep thinking about all my years in that gray bank cubicle. all those hours of overtime i would spend trapped indoors daydreaming about my etsy shop, my photography business and being outside. the coworkers who didn't understand my style or why one side of my hair was cut shorter than the other. i remind myself that creating the life you want isn't going to be the easiest way, but the most rewarding. i'm enjoying my "free" time now, even if it does just mean figuring out the complexities of FAFSA, searching for where the hell on my pc i might have saved that tax return or being able to do my laundry at 1pm.
i'm not waiting for my perfect life to arrive. i'm going to make it piece by piece from all the little bits of inspiration around me. it's kind of sucking right now, feeling like it might topple with the slightest breeze. but i figure the beginnings are apt to be a bit shaky. and always be better than a cubicle. for now i have to just grow. learn patience. *breeeaaathe*

on that note, its garden time.

1 comment:

  1. There is a photography place, and I think they also do trophies or something, right when you get off of I35 on our exit. The other day they had a big Now Hiring sign in front. You should check it out.
