Monday, April 9, 2012


Phrases Most Commonly Uttered/Heard at Cosmetology School
(imagine - Paul Mitchell school, to be more specific)

"I need a margarita."

"Do you have a lighter?"

"I'm sooo not in the mood today!"

"I'm 'bout to punch somebody." (it has actually happened)

"I'll cut you!" (still not sure whether this is joking or not, we do carry razors around)

"Don't even worry about it!" (As in, "you're hair is gonna look great, don't even worry about it!")

"I'm just gonna mind my own business!" (as they continue to do the exact opposite, of course)

"I haven't learned anything here!!!" (these people usually drop out and keep waiting tables)

"I have (fill in blank) days left until I get out of this place!"

"I did NOT come to hair school to do pedicures!"

"That's reeaaal cute!"

"That's so presch!"


"Yeah, girl!"



"Just sayin'!" (this phrase can be and is added to nearly every statement above)

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