Monday, March 22, 2010

under the weather

one those rare days i have to call into work because i feel my head could explode in a second (like today) and my whole body aches with hot/cold chills i still somehow manage to convince myself that i can take the opportunity to accomplish some things at home.

yeah right.

after crawling out of bed near noon i have done a total of 3 things:
vacuum (although i had to take a break after b/c i was so tired)
work on friends blog banner (which really didn't take long but i kept getting distracted)
heat up some steamed rice for lunch

i consider that a productive sick day, don't you?


i don't think i've blogged about this yet, but my husband is a chef at a local thai restaurant and we're both very passionate about natural eating & cooking. we're in the process of making a blog & website for recipes, cooking methods, helpful hints & resources for unleashing your inner cooking genius (whether you think you have one or not).
the problemo is that we can't think of a name! if you have any suggestion we're more than open to hear what you have!

and i wish he were home to make me this right now

1 comment:

  1. i'll totally follow that blog! and i'll be thinking of names :)
