Saturday, March 13, 2010


dear readers,
   just a warning, if you haven't heard me gush about ireland yet then you're in for a realization. i'm obsessed.

it all started when preston was there for two weeks before we were married. just two weeks, its nothing really. but we hadn't been apart for more than a day since we had started dating and i was missing him like crazy. i only cried twice, but the rest of my time was spent obsessing about the land i wanted to visit, the land my love was seeing. i bought an irish rovers tape for my car, stole my mom's dvd copy of The Matchmaker and watched it daily, let the music sink into my soul and memorized the landscape.

preston and i visited ireland & england in the fall of 2008 and i'll never be the same. its in me so deep i can feel it every day. its my soul country. i won't even try to explain it all, i'm sure you understand and have felt the same way about something in your life. some days the ache is deeper than others. its pretty deep today.

driving in Co. Tipperary
Cahir, Co Tipperary
view from our b&b in Ennis, Co. Clare
horsies at our b&b in Ennis
Doolin, Co. Clare
we had irish stew, shrimp cocktail & a couple pints here
Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare
ahh the grass in Roundstone (where The Matchmaker was filmed we found out later!!!)
sitting on the cliffs on Inishmore, Aran Islands, Co. Galway
Guinness in Dublin, perfect way to start the day
our hostel in Dublin
the Liffey!
ever watched Once? this is where the opening scene takes place. watch it now!
taps in Dublin at a lovely pub
just got off a fun ride w/cat in Stratford-upon-Avon, England
i just love this sign, you'll be able to find it soon on my etsy shop
street art


what is it that your heart aches for?


  1. hmmm...i would have to say connection. i have been thinking about writing a blog about it myself tonight. tulsa seems so disjointed, with people locked away in their gated additions - and my sense of connection and community has been locked away with it. and i long to walk down the street and sit down at a cafe to play checkers with a group of friends. and i long to get in my car and drive down the long open road until i find that feeling somewhere.

  2. i completely understand.
    i have felt this way about the beach ever since my first trip as a child.
    after going to mexico i knew that's what had been missing. i dream of oceans. maybe i was a mermaid in a past life!

  3. again i will say, kinda you NEED to start a blog! it will help you to feel that connection! there's so much to be said for community, we desperately need it.

  4. and rashel, i'm pretty sure you were a mermaid! ;-)

  5. mmmm i love how ireland has that pull on people..
    you must watch 'Secret of Roan Inish' (it's delicious. i promise...)
    i was around 7 when i watched it.. and from then on continued to fall in love.. feeling like ireland was my home. like, my life wouldnt be complete without my roots coming back to stand on this marshy green grass...

    and it was to be..
    finding my mr.darcy. my irish man. and moving over here.
    i only sometimes look around and realise 'i'm in ireland!'

    so, next time you come over. i want to go on these adventures with you. because being married to an irish man means that you don't generally go around- spending money- on seeing the touristy stuff. ;-p and i want to see all that you did!

  6. we'll definitely do that, erin!!

  7. shara - if it pulls your soul, go. there are few things we discover in life with hands that beckon so deeply. my soul country, austria. without a doubt.
