Tuesday, March 22, 2011


i missed the first day of spring. at least, i missed recognizing it when it happened. the past week has been a spinning blur. friendships, emotions, loss, second chances, everything mixing together into some unknown flavor of life. i keep pondering the fate vs choice subject. i'm a believer in both. and right now i'm lying in the bed i've made. its a messy bed, with one of those odd blankets that makes me sweaty if used, but freezing if pushed aside. i don't know exactly what that blanket is supposed to represent...maybe my choice and the fact that regardless of what i do i am going to be uncomfortable. but i suppose sometimes that's unavoidable.

anyway, about spring. i have sprouts in my garden!

so, like i said before - my garden can represent my soul. i'm seeing new sprouts. life is coming up, changing. i just gotta remember to keep watering! haha!
and speaking of watering...i bought a new water hose so this one actually reaches all the way to my garden! no more thumb-over-the-hose and stretching to sprinkle my thirsty rows of soil! yay for domestic purchases!


  1. what are they? Is. 58.11 :)

  2. haha! well, honestly i'm not sure what the first two are. rosemary and thyme perhaps. but the last are sunflowers, that i'm sure of! =)

  3. and that is a perfect verse! thank you
