Wednesday, June 15, 2011

may this always continue

whoa. so, those past few weeks of "me" time i was able to wallow in were for goooood reason! holy hell! it's only day 2 of school and i'm already aching for a break. its not that school is hard, on the contrary actually. its just a lot of information, a lot of people, and a lot of stimulation. and then work at night. plus my last "free" day was spent in bed with a yuck stomach, which i still haven't shaken off and haven't been able to consume a full meal since. then there are weddings i need to process, bottle cap orders i need to fill, photos i need to make backups of, books i'd like to read...etc. but, i'm NOT complaining. just processing, and planning. and taking all my little moments to breathe. this is the life i want, and i'm loving it even if it feels 60 mph.

hair school at imagine-paul mitchell has been amazing so far. the first day was so affirming - beginning with being applauded as i entered the building and walked the corridor of clapping fellow students to my classroom. i'm in core class for 6 weeks and we started out going over the usual conduct information, but spent a lot of time on becoming who you want to be and figuring out your learning style. it was a flood of positivity and encouragement, everything that i have been feeling flowing through my life already just reverberated in this program. i love my instructor (who i knew from the Vine Salon & More that i frequented and had art hanging at in stillwater). the actual info we have started going over isn't too hard yet, but i shouldn't speak too quickly as tomorrow we learn to do finger waves. i've heard the stories. wish these little fingers luck.  :)

in other life news, i am connected with someone who is currently in Ghana, Africa. yep, this lovely human being here (Rae) --->

is working in the human rights office in Ghana, designing a training program to help educate teachers and volunteers for their role in reintegrating kids rescued from trafficking into their communities. they are also working on educating the local high school students about basic human rights issues. short sum for some very big work. there is so so sooo much more to it than i will attempt to explain, and so much more i haven't even heard yet. but it blows me away.
i only met Rae a handful of weeks ago, but i have not been the same since. i am constantly challenged, inspired, stretched. i aspire to change things, even if its just within my own life. don't we all know, in the end, we all have the capacity to change another life just by living our own passionately?! we all have our parts, roles we play. i know i'm in mine, where i need to be, because i'm stretching now.
stretching, unfolding, changing. every day. and may this always continue.

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