Thursday, April 22, 2010

random thursday #153

(#153 is also just a random)


is it just me and all the years of running, or do everybody's knees hurt all the time? well, ok, not aaaalll the time, but mostly when i'm trying to do something in boot camp or zumba. moving to the left or right, squatting. then there's that sharp pain telling my brain "if you don't stop right this freakin second i'm giving out! i swear it!!!"  or maybe it persists because i ignore the threats...


we have air conditioning again for the first time in over a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
excited about that! but our dishwasher still sucks. and everybody freaks out on our balcony where it feels like you could fall through. stupid apartment complex. 1.5 months and we move.
its hard to leave a home. mixed feelings still.but good overall.


how many times a week is it OK to have beer & pizza for dinner?! cause i think i'm pushing 3-4 now. i didn't even eat like this in college! forget freshman 15....i got the freshman 8lbs of muscle mass from running. now i have gained the "grownup 15." not sitting well with me. this won't stick.

still in search of some derby skates in mens size 4.5
basically impossible to find some that small used? probably.


gonna inhale the rest of this half-heated pizza and go to orange tree. mmmmm


and for those of you that stupor at the idea of us not owning a microwave (haven't for.....2 years?) you should try setting your oven to BROIL!  yep, that setting on the knob all the way past the end of the takes a whole 3 minutes to make my pizza sizzle straight out of the fridge. who needs stupid waves? go flame, baby!!!


  1. i blame marriage on my weight gain. ;-p

    and doing any squats or anything like that always hurts my knees.. but i figure that it does for everyone? doesn't it? er....

  2. squats = knee pain in our worlds, erin. i'm sure we're not alone
