Thursday, February 10, 2011

random thursday, feb 10 2011

productive day! for the first time ever i shoveled snow! i really don't think i've ever done that before. i've never had my own sidewalk to shovel or enough snow to even need to! it sucked and i got a giant splinter in my thumb, but i appreciated the life experience. profound moment, i know.

 then i ran!! *gasp!* i can't actually remember the last time i ran, but its time to start again. and it was just sunny enough to trick myself into thinking it wasn't very cold. so i put on my tights and headed out to the streets.

ahh, the glory of masochism! my 2 miles were full of spitting, projectile snot-blowing, ice dodging and the occasional hazardous female driver. {it's commonly known among female runners that female drivers DO NOT care for your safety. we all assume they're just bitter that we're in shape (or at least trying to be) and they're not. maybe we're a threat. whatever the reason, 95% of female drivers would rather run the risk of jail time than veer a few feet into the other lane to make sure they don't hit you. males, on the other hand, will nearly drive onto the shoulder of the opposite side of the road to make sure they get a full view of a perky runner's ass.}
anyway...running in the cold felt like home again. i tasted blood (capillaries in my lungs bursting b/c its been a while since they've been used this much), my ears throbbed, my knees ached. love!

look! according to david these are bunny tracks

little doggy tracks?! i'm gonna pretend its something more fun, like a fox. 

my shop! actually, more like david's shop. 

i also cooked dinner tonight for davey and i! salmon, red potatoes & rice! yay! yay!


  1. Turns out that the female drivers hating on female runners thing applies internationally, as well. Way to stay alive, buddy!

  2. That's so funny, I never move for a completely different reason. When I was running, I felt silly and conspicuous when someone moved way over for me, so I don't do it to other people. But there's probably an unrecognized hatred of skinny people in there. ;P
