Saturday, October 6, 2012

Layers of Life

This month is my favorite. The bubbling beneath the surface of each September is finally released here. Each October my lungs flood with the atmosphere of the previous year's state. One year was the green of Ireland. The next, my youngest brother's Naval boot camp graduation and cool winds of Chicago. The following was a divorce, sadness and hope. Then it was the warm colors of New Mexico, planning to the soundtrack of Chris Bathgate.

This year, as I immerse myself in preparations for travel, Scampi overhauling and hair-rocking all my moments are settled on these years before. Layers of life under the soil which holds my body above. Rich and tender, new grass beginning to grow from the seeds I nearly forgot I had sown.

As far as preparation goes, my curtain-sewing is coming along. Slowly though, as I have been picking up extra table-waiting shifts and spending my free hours with Rae if at all possible. I'm off from the salon this morning doing very 1950's housewife things - laundry, sewing, cat-cuddling.

I have figured out the surger and the perfect setting for my cloth!


Cheers to October!

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