Monday, December 3, 2012

The Winds Change...Again

As of my last entry I was holding on to sanity. Living on the NW corner of Oklahoma City in suburbia was beginning to take its toll.
Correction - had already taken its toll.
It took me some weeks to realize the depression I had sunken into wasn't just seasonal. I'm still finding my way out...but these are some changes that have helped:

1) Rae quit Sprint!

2) Rae then began picking up shifts again at The Wedge, a local pizza shop, as well as landed a job at Whole Foods! Woo-hoo! Jobs that make for a happier lover.

3) We decided (since the one job close to my dad's where we were living no longer existed) we should move closer to the jobs we had. "Why not live out of the trailer now!?!" So we moved into the backyard of Clementine, an artist community house owned by one of Rae's long time friends, and where my Frankie kitty also happened to be living.

moving across town!

4) We got a dog. Rumi, a 17-month old German Shepherd who was no longer going to be housed/trained by K9 University because she wasn't driven enough. She's a lover. And she belonged with us. 
"it's bright out here!"
Camper Pup

It has been interesting, but we figured we should go ahead and get all the kinks worked out of living in our Scampi before we hit the road. So here we are!

After moving in we crashed - physically and emotionally. In our recuperation we began realizing how our environment had been so out of synch with our souls. We loved seeing my family and having a warm, comfortable room to sleep in. But you can't ignore the heart needs. Sometimes things just change. And sometimes you have to make them change.

A dear friend made this quilt for us!

Parked in our new yard

The desk from which I post now

I'm still processing the magnitude of what we are about to do (and are already doing every day) but one very simple, solid point keeps me together - I share this with my person. A heart, mind and body that is intrinsically in tune with my own. I'm beyond words.

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